Lessons Learnt on the Journey to ‘Wind Down Town’

Here comes the weekend!!
I have begun to start each Saturday with my pregnancy yoga class – going to one that is, not teaching for a change! For the past two weeks I have woken up leisurely with no alarm, had a cup of tea in bed and then bumbled off to yoga. Its been an amazing way to start the weekend.
I have however followed this lovely relaxing start with the most amount of DIY, running around cleaning and tidying, as well as cooking and trying to get s**t done. So lets just say that project ‘wind down’ is still a work in progress.
This weekend will start slightly differently. I have FINALY booked myself in to get my hair cut! Its been moved twice due to work commitments so I am very much in need of a full cut and style. It might not be as physically relaxing as my lovely class however it will be emotionally relaxing as I will be able to look in the mirror without wanting to scream.
In other news we ticked off so much more this week. Baby mattress arrived, car was fixed, AND we brought a travel system. I never thought that purchasing a pushchair would be sooooo hard. I did more research into this than I did with my car. And I swear some of them have more features than my poor little Volvo.  The travel system was a big thing for me, it was the last large purchase left and I am not ashamed to say it kept me awake at night. Oh how life has changed.
So money has been spent this week, including three expensive trips to the vet as my cat decided now would be a great time to start fighting with the new boy on the block. That damn fluffy cat is going to get a very firm Namaste followed by some refreshing water in his mush if he keeps coming around looking for trouble. Thank God for insurance that’s all I can say. The money thing is a stress, planning on how to survive on maternity pay let alone actually enjoy your leave seems like an impossible task sometimes.
All this said though lessons have been learnt this week.
  • S**t happens, and usually it will cost money but if you are prepared and don’t lose your mind you can get through it by simply breathing, accepting and moving
  • Often what you thought was a bad day getting worse turns out to be the universe giving to you – my car took way longer to fix than we thought so hubbie went to look in Mothercare whilst he waited, and got an absolute bargain for our TS.
  •  At the end of the day if you can crawl into bed with the person you love, say to yourself ‘well I did my best’ you can sleep more soundly than you imagine.

Namaste and love everyone! Your doing great!