Your Cycle and Chakras




Your Cycle and Chakras

This 4 Week Course takes you on a journey through the chakras and your cyclical nature. Whether you have a menstrual cycle, a bleed or follow the flow of the moon this is for you.

We take you through an understanding of where your Chakras can have an impact on your cycle of energy.

You will receive Asana flows to follow, Pranayama practices you can do wherever you are as well as workbooks to encourage you to dive a little deeper into your own cycle.

The first lesson will give you a good overview of the Chakras then I suggest you try to practice each lesson within your own cycle.

Our Cycle tracking and Chakras Sheet will help you see the flow of everything coming together.

chakra event

Lesson 1

Chakras & You

In this session you will learn about what the Chakras actually are and how they affect your physical and energetic bodies. It's important to understand how energy flows through the Chakras and how this affects each stage of our cyclical nature.


Have a deeper understanding of each Chakra

Be able to move through a Chakra cleaning Asana practice

Have a Pranayama that will enable you to connect deeper to your Chakras 

Lesson 2

Menstruation, Dark Moon & Root Chakra Wintering

Our menstruation or dark moon phase can be a powerful time to connect with who you are, what you want and how you want to move into the rest of your cycle. Here we will talk about what affects the root Chakra and how this makes for a deeper healing or a bigger disconnect.


Understand how the root Chakra affects your dark moon phase

Move through a nourishing yoga flow

Breathe into your root!

Lesson 3

Ovulation, Full Moon, Hearth & Throat Chakra Opening

Our Ovulation or Full moon phase is an amazing time to totally go out in the world and make change. You can tap into the power of the heart to connect deeply with others and the throat chakra can help you to express it.


Feel energised through a yoga flow to get you moving

Understand how an open heart and throat chakra can enable you to be more empowered

Lesson 4

Changing phases and how to transition through the power of the Chakras

Transitions can be an unsettling time but there is lots to be learnt in our Luteal and Follicular phases (Waning and Waxing Moon). In this lesson we connect learn more about the rest of the chakras and use mantra to find a flow.


Understand the transitions of the cycle

Learn Mantra that connects you with the whole Chakra flow

Each lesson includes downloads and videos.
